Earning Your Eagle Scout Rank
Congratulations on earning your Life Scout Rank. This page has all the information you will need to complete the requirements for the Eagle Scout Rank including the Eagle Scout Service Project.
Remember to consult with your Scoutmaster and Troop Committee as you work through the requirements. Their signatures and approval are required through out he process.
The Eagle Scout Service Project
As you begin to plan your Eagle Scout Service Project, consult with your Scoutmaster. They will have suggestions and guidance for you as work through the process. You must use the most current version of the Eagle Scout Project Workbook. You can find it at the link below. Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. The link above goes directly to Scouting.org. If you use it you will always have the most recent version. If you have found the workbook on google or another website, it may or not be current. Please use this link. Please read through all the instructions in the workbook. Once you have completed the proposal portion of the workbook you will need to contact and meet with an Eagle Project Reviewer. If your Scoutmaster does not have a recommendation, then call the Scout Office at 702-736-4366 to obtain a list. Please note the proposal must be signed by the Eagle Scout Candidate, The Unit Leader, The Unit Committee Chair, and the project beneficiary. The Reviewer will sign off at your meeting. Steps To Complete your Project:
- Decide on a project.
- Get your Scoutmaster and Committee Chair approval.
- Contact a Project Reviewer.
CLICK HERE for a list of Council approved Reviewers (updated January 16, 2025)
The Beneficiary will also need to sign off that you have completed the project as agreed and to their satisfaction in the Eagle Scout Service Project Plan portion of the workbook.
After you have completed all the Requirements
Once you have completed all the requirements including the Eagle Scout Service Project please gather and deliver the following to the Scout Office.
- Two neat completed copies of the Eagle Scout Rank Application, which should be downloaded from ScoutBook including the signatures of the Applicant, Unit Leader and Committee Chair. (please use the most current version of the application)
- Two copies of the "Statement of your ambitions and life purpose" as noted under the Certification of Applicant section of the application.
- Completed all sections of the "Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook" with all required signatures. Include proposal, plan, and report.
Optional Items Requested to Expedite the Process.
- Two Letters of Recommendation in sealed envelopes.
- Eagle Scout Service Project Summary Report
Only completed applications will be accepted. Please double check that you have everything, including all signatures before you turn it in. You can download a copy of this checklist CLICK HERE.
If you have questions please call 702-736-4366 or Send Mail
Applications can be delivered to 7220 S. Paradise Road, Las Vegas, NV 89119
Eagle Scout Extension
Eagle Scout Project Opportunities
The Mine Experience in Henderson
For those interested please contact the Mine Manager, Crystal at admin@mccawmines.org for more information.