National BSA Bankruptcy

Boy Scouts of America, Bankrupt?

 What should I tell my

  • friends/family/neighbors about what’s happening with the BSA?
    • You can tell anyone
      asking about the restructuring that:
      • The Las Vegas Area
        Council has not filed for bankruptcy.
      • Scouting is safer now
        than ever before.
      • The BSA is using this
        process to help ensure that all victims of past abuse in the Scouting
        programs receive equitable compensation.
      • The BSA’s programming
        will continue throughout the restructuring and for many years to come.

 Does the Chapter 11

  • filing mean the BSA is closing its doors?
    • No. Scouting will
      continue throughout this process and for many years to come.
       Regular unit meetings and activities, district

and council events, other
Scouting adventures and countless service projects will take place as usual.

  Why did the BSA initiate

  • this financial restructuring now?
    • The BSA took this
      action to address the increasing financial pressure they are facing from
      litigation involving past abuse in Scouting. The BSA believes they have a
      social and moral responsibility to equitably compensate victims. 
      They also have a duty to carry out the mission to serve youth, families
      and local communities through Scouting programs. This process enables the
      BSA to do both.
  • Are local councils
    filing for bankruptcy?
    • Only the national
      organization is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The Las Vegas Area
      Council  – which provide programming, financial, facility and
      administrative support to Scouting units in Las Vegas communities – are
      not part of the filings. The Las Vegas Area Council is legally separate,
      distinct and financially independent from the national organization.

 Should I donate to

  • Scouting during the Chapter 11 process, or should I wait until the
    national organization emerges from the restructuring process?
    • There is absolutely no
      reason to stop supporting Scouting. Whether you contribute to the
      national organization, the Las Vegas Area Council, or both, your
      continued support is more important than ever. It is instrumental in
      empowering young people to succeed now and throughout their lives. Your
      contributions have created unparalleled experiences for youth –
      experiences that instill the values and skills that prepare our members
      to be the future leaders of our
      communities and our nation. While you may not always see or hear of the
      direct impact you’ve made, it’s undeniable, and it lasts a lifetime.

 For a better understanding, please visit the following links.